国際交流ひろば 日帰りバスツアー 参加者募集

~ One-day bus tour~ “Nagatoro & Chichibu”
Let’s enjoy the beautiful scenery of Nagatoro. After lunch we will visit Chichibu shrine, Festival hall and the traditional textiles of Meisen museum.
We have now closed the application period. Thank you very much for your many applications.
Date and time | Dec.6 (Fri.) 8:30 ~ 18:30 Meet at 8:15am (Please be punctual) 2024年12月6日(金)8:30~18:30頃 |
Meeting place | Megurogawa Funairiba (7- minute walk from Nakameguro Station) 目黒川舟入場(中目黒1-11-18) 8:15am (時間厳守) |
Fees | 3,500yen (lunch included) |
Capacity | 80 people (in case of more than 80 applicants, participants will be selected by drawing. Priority is given to non-Japanese and to those who live, work or study in Meguro City.) 80名(申し込み多数の場合は抽選となります) |
Applications | Please send an email with your name , address, phone number, age and nationality to Meguro UNESCO Association We will inform you when your application is approved. 氏名 (ハガキ1枚につき1名)、フリガナ、年齢、性別、国籍、住所、電話番号、イベント名「日帰りバスツアー」を記入し、往復はがきで下記宛にお送りください。 |
問合せ | NPO法人 目黒ユネスコ協会 (tel)03-5725-6150(月~金 午後1時から4時) |
Meeting point |
目黒川舟入場(中目黒1-11-18) 8:15am (時間厳守) |
締切 | 11月25日(月)必着 (抽選結果を後日ご連絡します) |